Frequently Asked Questions


Ph: 0411116769



How do I contact customer Service

Call us on 0411116769

Do you have any local stores

From 2nd February 2020, we are just online

based in Wollongong NSW 2500

The item I want says 'sold out' when will it be available again?

The best thing to do would be to contact our customer service team and enquire about getting the item restocked.

What payment methods do you accept?

We accept - Credit cards -Direct Debit -Pay Pal & Cash on pick up

How can I track my order?

Every purchase will come with a confirmation email containing a tracking number.

It's been over a week and I still haven't received my item?

First track your order with the tracking number we provided you with, if it says delivered already we will do our best to help you.

I have a store credit, can I use it online?

Yes, you will just have to place the order via email with the reference number of your credit. Any outstanding monies can be paid as direct debit.

The item I ordered last week just went on sale!

Unfortunately we do not offer price guarantees so can not refund part of the payment if the item goes on sale since you've purchased it.

Can I change or remove my order once it's been placed?

If the order has not yet been shipped by us, then we can change it for something else for more or of equal value. Most items are packaged and posted within the hour so call as soon as possible to avoid disappointment. We do not provide any refunds once order has been placed.